Induction of labor begins with Dilapan-S®

  • Non-medicated
  • Allows freedom of movement
  • Comfortable enough to sleep through
  • Trusted by expectant mothers and doctors around the world

Talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options and potential risks associated with using Dilapan-S® for planned induction of labor.

Getting your cervix
ready for childbirth

A dilated cervix is an important part of labor. During induction of labor your cervix will need to soften and dilate. This is called cervical ripening.

The cervical ripening process

Your cervix has worked to keep your baby safe and sound in your womb. Now that your baby is ready to be born, your cervix has a new job:




Why Dilapan-S®?

  • Cleared by the FDA for use during induction
  • Does not contain drugs or medications
  • Promotes successful vaginal delivery
  • Trusted by expectant mothers and doctors around the world

Talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options and potential risks associated with using Dilapan-S® for planned induction of labor.

Dilapan-S® should not be used if you have an obvious infection in the genital area.

Dilapan-S® is designed to support the natural process of cervical ripening, gently opening the cervix over time

Dilapan-S® is made from a specially designed material that uses your body's naturally occurring fluid to expand. This image shows how Dilapan-S® expands over time.

(Not actual size.)

Diagram showing visual change in product over the course of 24 hours

What to expect with Dilapan-S®


Your healthcare provider will carefully place small Dilapan-S® rods (usually 3-5) into your cervix


The Dilapan-S® rods will gradually expand, gently helping your cervix to soften and dilate


Your healthcare provider will remove the rods when your cervix is ripe, and you will be ready for the next steps in your induction

Return to your OB/GYN healthcare provider at the prescribed time for Dilapan-S® removal. Removal should be within 24 hours of insertion. DO NOT attempt to remove the rods by yourself under any circumstances.

With Dilapan-S® you have the freedom to dilate your way
Dilapan-S® will gently dilate your cervix without limiting your daily life activities
Maintain your mobility with confidence. Walk, shower, and stay comfortable while you dilate.
Depending on your specific situation, your healthcare provider may even allow you to dilate in the comfort of your own home.
Women who have used Dilapan-S® reported better sleep and more time relaxing.

After Dilapan-S® rods are in place, some minor bleeding may occur. Contact your healthcare provider with any excessive bleeding, pain, or temperature increase. After the Dilapan-S® rods have been inserted DO NOT take a bath, use a vaginal douche, or have intercourse.

Rest up.
Most women are able to sleep while Dilapan-S® helps prepare the cervix for childbirth

The non-medicated
cervical ripening agent

The Dilapan-S® Patient Brochure
See what the insertion process is like, and what you can expect with cervical ripening with Dilapan-S®

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dilapan-S® right for me?
Dilapan-S® has been studied extensively among women with a wide variety of pregnancy conditions. Trusted by doctors and midwives around the world, it has been cleared by the FDA for use in induction of labor in the United States. Dilapan-S® contains no drugs or medications at all. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine if Dilapan-S® is right for you.
What is Dilapan-S® insertion like?
Most women find the insertion of Dilapan-S® similar to other routine gynecological procedures, and do not feel the rods at all once they are in place. In fact, dilation with Dilapan-S® is comfortable enough to sleep through: women who have used Dilapan-S® reported better sleep and more time relaxing.
Do I have to stay in bed while I use Dilapan-S®?
No! Dilapan-S® does not limit your freedom of movement: you can walk, shower, and stay comfortable based on the advice of your doctor or midwife. Depending on your specific situation, your doctor or midwife may even allow you to dilate at home. Be sure to avoid having a bath, sexual intercourse, or douching while Dilapan-S® is in place. To avoid risk of injury to the cervix or uterus, careful placement of the rods should be done only by OB/GYN trained healthcare providers. DO NOT attempt to remove the rods by yourself under any circumstances.
I’ve had a prior cesarean but I’m hoping for a vaginal birth this time. Can I use Dilapan-S®?
Dilapan-S® has been studied among women with previous cesareans, as well as among women with a wide variety of other pregnancy conditions. Dilapan-S® is proven and encourages successful vaginal delivery. Your healthcare provider will determine if Dilapan-S® is right for you based on your individual circumstances.