Induction of labor begins with Dilapan-S®
- Non-medicated
- Allows freedom of movement
- Comfortable enough to sleep through
- Trusted by expectant mothers and doctors around the world
Talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options and potential
risks associated with using
A dilated cervix is an important part of labor. During induction of labor your cervix will need to soften and dilate. This is called cervical ripening.
Your cervix has worked to keep your baby safe and sound in your womb. Now that your baby is ready to be born, your cervix has a new job:
Talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options and potential
risks associated with using
(Not actual size.)
Your healthcare provider will carefully place small
Your healthcare provider will remove the rods when your cervix is ripe, and you will be ready for the next steps in your induction
Return to your OB/GYN healthcare provider at the prescribed time for
Indication for Use
Warnings & Precautions
To avoid risk of injury to the cervix or uterus, careful placement of the rods should be done only by OB/GYN-trained healthcare providers.
Treatment options and potential risks associated with using
Please click here to download the Instructions for Use.
If you have any questions about